StreetsLA tested/applied a new cool slurry pavement preservation as part of our Cool LA initiative. The measured temperature difference between the untreated asphalt area and the area with the new cool slurry applied was 25 degrees cooler. Cool LA making Los Angeles streets and neighborhoods cool, safe & sustainable.

The clean up after the LA Marathon was massive and our crews were up to the challenge. The mighty fleet of sweepers coming down the street looked like an army cleaning up miles of debris.
StreetsLA joined with council members, led by Councilwoman Martinez, in a four week pothole blitz where over 1,500 potholes were repaired. The pothole blitz was highlighted by the "all female crew" dressed in pink safety vests and pink hard hats.
StreetsLA joined Council Woman Nury Martinez, LA City Parks, City Plants, LA Sanitation, CALFIRE, community partners & volunteers in an Arbor Day Celebration where 182 trees were planted in Van Nuys helping make Los Angeles greener and cooler with shade.
BSS provided multi-faceted support to the Los Angeles Marathon, including rapid cleanup and reopening of the road way.
Councilmember Jose Huizar and BSS broke ground on a new 7,000 square foot pedestrian plaza along Cesar Chavez Ave.
The gateway to Dodgers Stadium, Vin Scully Drive, was resurfaced by a BSS crew in June 2018
In June, BSS broke ground on an extensive Complete Streets project along Roscoe Boulevard. The project has many components including new sidewalk and curb ramps. (Photo: first portion of reconstructed sidewalk completed late June, 2018)
Honored to join the community in celebrating Spring St complete street upgrade - innovation & collaboration in action. Thanks to the hard working men/women at the Bureau of Street Services who prepared the bikeway & paved the street.
LOS ANGELES — It’s barely 10 a.m. on an August day in Hollywood, and the heat is already becoming oppressive. The temperature’s only in the mid-80s, but in the direct sun it feels hotter—and it’s getting worse by the minute. Part of the reason is the ground. The black asphalt of this side street off Sunset Boulevard is sucking up the sun and radiating its heat back out. An infrared thermometer shows the surface temperature to be 112 degrees. By mid-day, it’ll rise above 150.
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