How do I get a pothole fixed?
"Simple, just use the one call to City Hall, call 3-1-1 to report a pothole. You can also make a request using the city's MyLA311.
How long does it take to repair a pothole?
"The Bureau's goal is to repair potholes by the next business day. An inspection will occur to ensure proper repair. Some requests are not potholes (please see description page) and will need to be scheduled at a later date."
How can I have my street swept?
"Call 3-1-1 and ask for sweeping at the location you're interested in. You can also make a request using the city's MyLA311 webpage and app. We'll inspect and evaluate if the street can get a special or regular sweeping. Due to limited resources, we're not able to sweep every street we'd like to, so thanks for your patience."
How can I track my request?
"Each request is given a tracking number. If you would like to check the status, just call 3-1-1 and you will be directed to a service request operator. They will be able to give you a status in most cases. You can also request a street service supervisor to call you on your request for service."
What if I'm not sure the Bureau of Street Services is the right entity for my request?
"Simple, just use the one call to city hall, call 3-1-1, and the operator will direct your call to the right department or bureau."