STAP is a world-class, self-sustaining program that provides shelter, shade, safety, and comfort with amenities that support an increased use of transit and alternative transportation, and the shared use of City sidewalks.
Within the last several years, StreetsLA has been working to obtain and compile various datasets that will be used to inform the distribution of the new inventory. With the goal of ensuring 75% of bus riders in each Council District will be able to board buses where there is a shelter, installation of new shelters will be prioritized based on consideration of the following factors:
High Transit Ridership
Exposure to Heat
Metro’s Equity Focus Communities (minority populations, low-income households, and zero-vehicle households)
Proximity to Trip Generator, Key Destinations, and Service Facilities
“Low Frequency” Bus Routes that indicate long wait times
Similar to the City’s previous transit shelter programs, new transit shelters furnished through STAP will host advertising displays. STAP advertising displays will be a combination of both static (back-lit printed posters) and digital display panels; less than one fourth (25%) of the new transit shelters will be equipped with digital display panels. STAP also has an option for limited numbers of non-advertising transit shelters plus an additional 450 non-advertising shade structures. The combined static and digital display panels hosted by new STAP transit shelters allow STAP to be a self-sustained program financially, with advertising revenue paying for capital, operations, maintenance and reinvestment in transit related streetscape improvements.
All 3,000 new transit shelters will be equipped with digital e-paper screens that are reserved to strictly display public messaging such as real-time bus arrival information. The e-paper screens will be incorporated into the new STAP transit shelter structures and will be in addition to any static or digital advertising display panels. Other innovative features include:
Audio real-time bus arrival information, operated by push button to assist the visually impaired
Pilot Emergency Call Feature
Energy-efficient LED edge lighting
Another program highlight is the ability to expand the provision of prior program amenities such as hydration stations and hand sanitizing dispensers, and the introduction of a suite of new amenities not available from previous transit amenities programs such as urban panels, WIFI, induction phone charging stations, cooling device options plus new elements such as scooter or bicycle docks and e-lockers.
STAP Frequently Asked Questions
CLICK here to view the STAP Proposed First Year Locations
CLICK here to view the STAP Proposed Year 2 Locations
CLICK here to view the STAP Proposed Year 3 Locations
CLICK here to view the STAP RFP documents
CLICK here to view the STAP Contract, CEQA Analysis, and supporting documents.
CLICK here to view bus shelter demonstration event
Email your thoughts about this new program